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The Book of 2nd Corinthians ~ Chapter Thirteen
The Apostle Paul'sSecond Letter To The Church At Corinth




proaches the close of his epistle. Beperfect means to complete what is necessary by removing the wrongs in their lives, after which they would have the right to feel comfortable in their consciences. In order to be at peace it is necessary to be of one mind, and that is possible only by each one bending his own mind to that of the instruction delivered to them by the inspired apostle. A man can be at peace with God only by living in peace with his brethren according to the instructions of inspiration.  

Verse 12. This is explained at 1 Corinthians 16:20.

Verse 13. All the saints refers to those associated with Paul at this time.  They joined the apostle in friendly salutation to the brethren at Corinth.

Verse 14. The three members of the Godhead, namely, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Spirit), are named in this verse. Grace means the favor of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God denotes the affection that He extends toward his faithful children. Communion is from the same word as fellowship in many passages.  It means the partnership that all faithful disciples may enjoy with each other through the truth made known by the work of the Spirit. It also includes the blessing of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the church (1 Corinthians 6: 19). For the meaning of amen, see the comments at Romans 16:24, in the first volume of New Testament Commentary.




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