This Site Last Updated on 12/30/2020
Hundreds of Books, Tracts, Commentaries and Acapella Songs
Church of Christ Studies
Click Powerpoint Logo Above To Access Our Collection of 1000+ Presentations. Click Here For Lessons On Guarding The Heart
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restoration Movement Resources
Your Site for Bible Exposition, Exegesis, and Commentary on a wide variety of topics and passages
In The Word...
Over three decades Apologetics Press has published books related to reason, revelation, discovery, bible contradiction and topics that challenges faith. On this Church of Christ site you will find Books, Tracts, Home Studies and a variety of Multimedia to strengthen one's faith...
On this site you will find a wealth of Biblical Information. Seek The Old Paths provides some great Bible Study Helps, Church of Christ links and much more to help Christians strengthen their faith and defend the Truth from Error.
Click The Above Image To Visit the Restoration Library. The Restoration Literary Project is a non-profit corporation created to fill a literary niche. They saw a need to bring together all restoration era literature including church of Christ literature in one place. To accomplish this goal they created the Restoration Library. The Restoration Library will eventually be the biggest online library of church of Christ literature. They will digitize this literature and make it freely available to anyone via the web.
God's Standard of Authority
While Jesus was teaching in the temple, the elders of the people came to him and asked, "By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?" In answering this question, Jesus asked them a most penetrating question...
Are We
Good Stewards?
We often hear that we should be good stewards. Most of the time this subject is brought up people are talking about money.
The Reason
For Scripture...
There is no doubt that many are unaware of what is taught in the Bible. There are also many who claim to have hope for eternal life, yet do not know scripture or simply refuse to abide by what is written in the Word of God....
Here you will find over 1700 sermon outlines, Bible studies, PowerPoint files, and gospel tracts freely available by Mark A. Copeland
Check Out Our Nice collection of Works by Dub McClish. These are biblically "sound" documents. Every congregation should have them in their church library.
Sponsored by members of the
Washington St. Church of Christ
214 North Washington Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093.
E.M. Zerr Commentary For Lifeway's WORDSEARCH Bible Is Now Complete For The Entire Bible!
Updated on 4/06/17
Click Here To Download Zerr's From Dropbox

Foy Wallace Commentary on Revelation For WORDSEARCH
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Wallace's Commentary