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It Is Settled...


1.  Introduction

2.  Old Testament Introduction

3.  Adam & Eve

4.  Cain & Abel

5.  First Family--Summary

6.  Noah

7.  Noah's Faith

8.  Genesis Questions

9.  Genesis Answers

10.  Abraham

11.  God's Plan for Abraham

12.  Abraham's Faith

13.  Esau & Jacob

14.  Jacob & Joseph

15.  Joseph

16.  Joseph in Egypt

17.  Moses in Egypt

18.  Moses in Midian

19.  Egyptian Plagues (1)

20.  The Tenth Plague

21.  The Exodus

22.  The Red Sea Crossing

23.  Israel at Sinai

24.  Moses Receives the Law

25.  Change of Law (1)

26.  Change of Law (2)

27.  Change of Law (3)

28.  Better Covenant

29.  Better Sacrifice

30.  Perfect Sacrifice

31.  Perfect Law

32.  New Covenant Names

33.  New Covenant Only

34.  Achan's Example of Disobedience

35.  God's Word Abides Forever

36.  Gospel is the Truth

37.  Those Who Do Evil Commit Sin

38.  The Lord's Commandments Only

39.  I Know Thy Works

40.  The Most Precious Gift

41.  The Gospel and Forgiveness

42.  The Gospel is for All

43.  God's Law Firs t

44.  Impossible

45.  Believe In and Believe

46.  True Faith

47.  Believers and Unbelievers

48.  Wise or Foolish

49.  Original sin?

50.  No Private Revelations

51.  Religious but Lost

52.  Saul the Persecutor

53.  Religiously Sincere and Wrong

54.  Philip, Simon and the Eunuch

55.  Cornelius

56.  Taught by Men, not by Angels

57.  The Eunuch, Lydia, the Jailer

58.  The Corinthians

59.  Baptism IS Necessary for Salvation

60.  Jesus' Equation

61.  Jesus Commanded Water Baptism

62.  Religious Integrity (1)

63.  Religious Integrity (2)

64.  The Standard at the Judgment

65.  Naaman's Example of Obedience


66.  Israel's Obedience and Jericho's Fall

67.  Generic and Specific Laws

68.  Unbaptized and Unsaved

69.  One

70.  Words of Admonition to all Preachers

71.  Face to Face with Jesus Christ

72.  Calling into Question

73.  God's Revealed Word is Complete

74.  The Gospel

75.  False Prophets

76.  What is Written in the Law?

77.  "Many Faiths"

78.  God's Word Only

79.  Has the Gospel changed?

80.  God's Commands Only!

81.  John's Writings

82.  Who loves Jesus?

83.  Church organization

84.  Grievous wolves

85.  Departures from God's Word

86.  Quotes from Creed books

87.  Departures:  Original sin

88.  Departures:  Infant baptism

89.  Departures:  Moses

90.  Departures:  Jeroboam

91.  Departures:  Different churches

92.  Departures:  Bible versions

93.  Departures:  Homosexuality

94.  Accept and obey His commands (questions)

95.  Accept and obey His commands (answers)

96.  New Testament Saints and Faith

97.  NOT justified by what?

98.  God doesn't change!

99.  Baptism and Tongues

100.  God in man's image?!

101.  Do God's rules need interpretation?  (Part 1)

102.  Do God's rules need interpretation?  (Part 2)

103.  Of heaven or of men?  (Part 1)

104.  Of heaven or of men?  (Part 2)

105.  Of heaven or of men?  (Part 3)

106.  Whom to fear?

107.  Whom to hear?

108.  The Lord's Supper.  Only on Easter?

109.  Jesus' kingdom

110.  Entering Jesus' kingdom

111.  Entering Jesus' kingdom:  Except!

112.  Jesus' kingdom:  One!

113.  Jesus' kingdom:  Religious titles

114.  Jesus' kingdom:  The model prayer

115.  Justification (Part 1)

116.  Justification:  Faith

117.  Justification:  Works

118.  Justification:  Jesus' blood

119.  Salt of the Earth

120.  Possessed by Possessions!

121.  From Heaven, or of Men (1)

122.  From Heaven, or of Men (2)

123.  From Heaven, or of Men (3)

124.  From Heaven, or of Men (4)

125.  From Heaven, or of Men (5)

126.  From Heaven, or of Men (6)

127.  From Heaven, or of Men (7)

128.  From Heaven, or of Men (8)

129.  From Heaven, or of Men (9)

130.  From Heaven, or of Men (10)  

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