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Hundreds of Books, Tracts, Commentaries and Acapella Songs
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Many great books of the past have gone out of print, and are extremely difficult (and/or expensive) to acquire. Thanks to the time and efforts of a lot people, many of these books are being made available in electronic form. Some PDF files you may find online are scanned copies of the original books, and are oftentimes hard to read, and/or are filled with smudges and underlining. Not so with the ebooks you will find here. These PDF files are crisp and clean, checked for spelling errors and completely reformatted in order to give you a more pleasing reading experience.
Theebooks are arranged by category (Baptism, Holy Spirit, etc...) and by the author's last name. Note: An * before the author's name indicates that he was not a member of the church of Christ. However, we believe the information contained in the book to be helpful in the topic which it covers.
Special thanks to Kyle Frank, Bennie Johns, and Loy Pressley for their invaluable assistance in getting some of these books scanned and proofread.
Dungan, D.R. - Rum and Ruin: The Remedy Found
This classic work of temperance literature explains the evils of alcohol on the mind, body, and soul from medical, physical, financial, political, and of course biblical evidence. It also exposes for all to see the underhanded and sinister motives of the alcohol industry. And this was over 100 years ago.
Bible Wines, or the Fermentation of the Ancients (*William Patton)
This book describes in detail, by using ancient middle-eastern texts, how those in Palestine and the surrounding areas frequently and easily preserved grape juice in a non-alcoholic state. This is quite useful to combat the people who attempt to justify "social drinking" by claiming all the "wine" in the New Testament times was alcoholic.
Stone, Barton W. - Atonement
This is a collection of two letters written in 1805 on the topic of Atonement. It was written by Barton W. Stone, a gospel preacher, to a friend who was apparently joined with the Presbyterian Church. It deals mostly with the sections of Calvinism.
Stone, Barton W. - A Reply to John Campbell's Strictures on Atonement
After Barton W. Stone wrote "Atonement," it was reviewed and severely criticized by those who disagreed with him. One man, John Campbell, wrote a booklet in response to Stone's original work. The book available here is the reply that Stone made in response. In thisbook he clarifies some of his previous statements which were mis-quoted, mis-understood, and twisted.
Apologetics/Christian Evidences
DeHoff, George - Why We Believe the Bible
This book shows the inspiration of the Bible, based on many easy-to-understandevidences. This book deals with internal and external evidences, prophetic accuracy, indestructability, and more.
Dungan, D.R. - Ingersoll's Mistakes About Moses
Robert Ingersoll was an infamousathiest in the 1800s who went around making speeches that ridiculed the Bible. One such speech was put into printed form and called "Mistakes of Moses." D.R. Dungan took that opportunity to show that Ingersoll ignored facts and made up his accusations without any evidence to back them up.
McGarvey, J.W. - Jesus and Jonah
Was Jonah a real person? Was he really swallowed by a giant fish? Is the story of Jonahbelieveable? This excellent book tackles this question and shows again the reliability of the Bible.
McGarvey, J.W. - Short Essays in Biblical Criticism
This book contains over 200 short-to-medium length articles written by J.W. McGarvey on the topic of Biblical Criticism. Many accusations by the critics of the Bible are clearly answered in this collection of articles which originally appeared in The Christian Standard between 1897-1904.
Oliphant-Smith Debate on God, Morality, and Evolution
This debate, which took place in 1929, was between W.L. Oliphant (Christian) and Charles Smith(atheist), and dealt with the existence of God, the Bible as the only code of morality, and on where everything came from. Many sub-topics are discussed in the exchange between the two, including alledged contradictions in the Bible.
Oliver, Lancelot - The Apostles of Jesus Christ
Some people claim that the apostles contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, the Bible claims these men spoke the words Jesus gave them. Which is true? Thisbooks examines the issue and of course concludes that the Bible is accurate.
Payne, F.C. - The Seal of God in Creation and in the Word
This book shows the evidence of God's existence as shown through various parts of nature, as well as through the Bible. Perhaps the most interesting chapter describes "Numerics," the amazing instances of the number seven throughout the Bible--and that isn't even talking about the word "seven" in the text.
Anderson, James - The Act, Subjects, and Design of Baptism
This is the text of a sermondelievered over a hundred years ago, but the content and message is just as valuable and applicable today as it was then!
Anderson, John - Baptism: Purposes it Fulfills and Changes it Effects
This is a one-chapter work on the topic of baptism, including a chart showing what baptism is said to do in the New Testament.
Aquilla - Is Baptism Necessary?
The writer of this tract simply went by "Aquilla," and addressed it to a preacher whom he called "Apollos." Thetract deals with the topic of baptism and its relationship to salvation, according to the Scriptures. It is written in a friendly style, like a real letter would be, and as such makes for a useful booklet to print and give to people.
Bagby-Trice Discussion on Baptism (NEW! 10-26-2013)
This is a debate book dealing with the effects of baptism and how it is to be performed. Originally published in 1914.
Campbell, Alexander - Christian Baptism
This book contains an in-depth study on the action, subjects, and results of baptism. Especially targetted in this book is the false doctrine of infant baptism.
Challen, James - Baptism in the Holy Spirit and in Fire (NEW! 9-8-2013)
This book explains the statement of John the baptizer about Jesus coming to baptize in the Holy Spirit and infire, and shows that they are two different baptisms. He also examines modern-day "Pentecostal" desires for the baptism in fire and shows that such desires ignore what the "baptism in fire" actually is.
King, David - Why Baptize the Little Ones?
In this book, all of the main arguments used for "infant baptism" are addressed and shown to be lacking any biblical support.
Main, A.R. - Baptism: Our Lord's Command
This work examines the history of baptism and shows conclusively that baptism in the Bible isimmersion of those who believe in Jesus Christ.
Milligan, Robert - The Great Commission of Jesus Christ to His Twelve Apostles
This book examines in great detail the topics of the Great Commission, the action of baptism, baptism into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and "teaching them to observe all things" commanded by Christ.
Bible Introduction
McGarvey, J.W. - Guide to Bible Study
This book helps introduce the Bible reader to each section of the Scriptures, as well as gives a brief introduction to each book of the Bible.
Bible Studies/Commentaries
Bell, R.C. - Studies in Galatians
This book contains 20 lessons, covering the book of Galatians, complete with discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Bell, R.C. - Studies in Ephesians
This book contains 20 lessons, covering the book of Ephesians. It also contains a short autobiography of the author.
Bell, R.C. - Studies in Philippians
This book contains 12 lessons, covering the book of Philippians.
Bell, R.C. - Studies in Romans
This book contains 52 lessons, perfect for covering the book of Romans in a year. Questions are provided at the end of each lesson.
Martin, Joseph Lemuel - The Voice of Seven Thunders, or Lectures on the Apocalypse
This book features a series of lectures covering the entire book of Revelation from the Historical Fulfillment point of view (that Revelation describes the history--in advance--of the church from the first century until the second coming of Christ). Very informative for the one seeking to know more about this method of interpreting the final book of the Bible.
Bible Translations
The Old Paths Version (partial New Testament Translation)
This literal translation includes Galatians (1-4), Colossians, First John, Second John, and Third John. Translated by Roy Davison.
See also "Church History"
Memoirs of the Life and Experiences, Travels and Preaching of Abner Jones
Enjoy an autobiography of a pioneer preacher in the late-1700's/early 1800's. Experience his joys, his triumphs, and his decision to leave behind denominational creeds and names, demanding a "thus saith the Lord" for all that he believed and practiced.
Abner Jones: Christian Only (by Bradley Cobb)
This is a short biography of a man and a movement. Years before Alexander Campbell ever preached his first sermon, Abner Jones was making the call to return to the Bible only, and called all denominations to leave their creed behind and be "Christians only." Read about one of the lesser-known Restoration Movement preachers.
Abner Jones: The Man Who Believed and Taught (by J.F. Burnett)
A short biography of this medical doctor who gave up his practice to preach the gospel full-time.
James O'Kelly (by J.F. Burnett)
A short biography of James O'Kelly, a former Methodist preacher who converted to true New Testament Christianity in the early 1800s and became one of the foremost leaders in the Restoration Movement.
Toils and Struggles of the Olden Times: The Autobiography of Elder Samuel Rogers
Read about the life of a man who was living during the "golden years" of the effort to restore New Testament Christianity. Many well-known Christians show up in his life, and he helps give perspective on many of the historic events of the 1800s.
The Life of Knowles Shaw, the Singing Evangelist (by William Baxter)
Knowles Shaw was a gospel preacher, but also a songwriter and singer. He is perhaps best known for his song, "Bringing in the Sheaves." His last words before his tragic death were "It is a grand thing to rally people to the cross of Christ."
Elias Smith and Horace Mann (J.F. Burnett)
Two short biographies in one book. Elias Smith published the first religious periodical, "The Herald of Gospel Liberty" and worked with Abner Jones in New England planting churches. Horace Mann was an educator who believed in teaching people the Bible.
Barton W. Stone (by J.F. Burnett)
A short biography of Barton W. Stone, a former Presbyterian minister who was instrumental in bringing many people to Christ, and who demanded that the followers of Christ be known by the name "Christian."
Memoir of Elder Bemjamin Taylor (by E. Edmund)
Benjamin Taylor was a caring preacher during the early 1800s in New England. He was associated with what was called "the Christian Connexion." The Connexion was the group of congregations of Christians in that area who refused to follow denominational creeds or wear denominational names. This book also contains a brief biography of Abner Jones.
Original Sin (A.W. Stephenson)
This isavery brief look at the Biblical evidence which refutes the false doctrine called "Total Hereditary Depravity," or "Original Sin."
Christian Basics/Fundamentals
Hall, S.H. - Scripture Studies (Volume 1)
This book is suitable for any type of classroomsituation, and covers many of the foundational truths such as the divne origin of the Bible, the importance of the church, God's plan of salvation, and more.
Hall, S.H. - Scripture Studies (Volume 2)
This book is written for use in any kind of teaching situation. This volume covers topics such as the miracles of God, growing in faith, life in the church, andmany more.
Hall, S.H. - Scripture Studies (Volume 4)
Three replies to various arguments used in favor of instrumental music. Brother Hall very thoroughly and effectively refutes every one of the arguments.
Lamar, J.S. - First Principles and Perfection
What must I do to be saved, according to the Bible? And after becoming a Christian, how do I reach maturity? Thirty-one chapters deal with these all-important questions and shows how to truly achieve peace.
Nichols and Whiteside - Sound Doctrine (Volume 1)
This book covers many of the foundational principles of Christianity, the church, Jesus Christ, and worship.
Nichols and Whiteside - Sound Doctrine (Volume 4)
This book covers many of the foundational principles of Christianity, the church, Christ, and worship, and more.
Stroop, J. Ridley - Why Do People Not See the Bible Alike?
A Classic! Examines the reasons why people who claim to be Christians don't agree when they all claim to follow the same Bible.
Christian Living
Oliver, Lancelot - Ideals of Life
Strive toacheive the ideals in your life, as defined by the Bible! This is the message of this short book.
The Church/Church Leadership
Brewer, G.C. - The Model Church
This is a 100+ page book dealing with the makeup of the model church, the work of the elders and deacons, and other aspects of the local congregation. Each chapter has questions for discussion.
McGarvey, J.W. - Treatise on the Eldership
A series of articles dealing with the office of an elder, the work of an elder, and the qualifications of an elder.
Church History
Alexander Campbell's Tour in Scotland (Thomas Chalmers)
This book describes interviews with people who were participants and observers when Alexander Campbell returned to Scotland for a preaching tour. It includes the slander spread about him, how one man got him arrested, and was then in turn charged with unlawful arrest. A very interesting book.
The Christians of New England (James Gardner)
This book chronicles theindependant "movement" led by men like Abner Jones and Elias Smith; both of whom called for people to stop wearing denominational names and following denominational creeds and practices and simply follow the Bible and be called "Christians."
The Church, The Falling Away, and the Restoration (J.W. Shepherd)
This book traces the establishment of the church, through the apostasy of the Catholic Church, to the reform movements in the 1500's, to the Restoration Movement in the early 1800s. Very informative.
Primitive Christianity, The Apostacy, and the Restoration (David King)
This book is a two-part work. Part One examines the way things wereoringally in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (the church) from the Bible pespective. Part Two focuses on the apostacy which was foretold in Scripture and fulfilled in the Catholic Church. The last two chapters deal with the restoration of true New Testament Christianity.
Primer of Disciple History in Canada (Rueben Butchart)
This is a very brief (19 pages) overview of the history of the church of Christ in Canada, first published in 1942.
Anderson, John - Tracts on Conversion
This book contains fourtracts written on the topic of conversion, including "What shall we Do?" and "The Best Life Here and Hereafter."
Lamar, J.S. - First Principles and Perfection
What must I do to be saved, according to the Bible? And after becoming a Christian, how do I reach maturity? Thirty-one chapters deal with these all-important questions and shows how to truly achieve peace.
Boswell-Hardeman Debate on Instrumental Music
This is a 300-page debate, which took place over several days in Nashville, TN. N.B. Hardeman--known by many as "the prince of preachers"--and Ira Boswell debated whether there is Scriptural authority for adding instruments of music to the singing of praises to God in the worship of the church. A fantastic book for those who want to see the arguments dealt with.
Oliphant-Smith Debate on God, Morality, and Evolution
This debate, which took place in 1929, was between W.L. Oliphant (Christian) and Charles Smith(atheist), and dealt with the existence of God, the Bible as the only code of morality, and on where everything came from. Many sub-topics are discussed in the exchange between the two, including alledged contradictions in the Bible.
"Why I Left..."
This is a collection of extensive lectures given by those who were once members of denominations and left them to simply be Christians only. Included in the book are Why I Left... "the Baptist Church," "The Lutheran Church," "The Catholic Church," "The Methodist Church," "The Nazarene Church," "The Presbyterian Church," "The Christian Church," "The World," and "The Anti-Class Position."
King, David - The History and Mystery of the Christadelphians
Learn about the true background, origins, and teachings of the religious cult known as the Christadelphians.
Campbell, Alexander - Delusions (An Analysis of the book of Mormon)
This book, written just two years after the release of the Book of Mormon, shows that Joseph Smith was exposed as a fraud almost immediately upon releasing hisplagarized book.
*Forty Years in the Mormon Church - Why I Left It! (R.C. Evans)
This book was written by a man who was highly regarded within the Mormon church in the 1800s, but who finally left it after seeing the lies and hypocrisy that went on. His final conclusion was that Joseph Smith (the author of the Book of Mormon) was a fraud.
Seventh-Day Adventists
Dungan, D.R. - The Sabbath or the Lord's Day, Which?
This book exposes the false doctrine of Sabbath-keeping, as taught by the Seventh Day Adventists. It is very thorough in its treatment of the subject.
Holy Spirit
Anderson, James - The Work of the Holy Spirit
This is the text of a sermon that deals with various aspects of the Holy Spirit, including how he works today.
Scott, Walter - Discourse on the Holy Spirit
This short book shows the mission of the Holy Spirit, and also shows the impossibility of the direct operation of the Holy Spirit on sinners, as is taught by Calvinism.
Instrumental Music in Worship
Boswell-Hardeman Debate on Instrumental Music
This is a 300-page debate, which took place over several days in Nashville, TN. N.B. Hardeman--known by many as "the prince of preachers"--and Ira Boswell debated whether there is Scriptural authority for adding instruments of music to the singing of praises to God in the worship of the church. A fantastic book for those who want to see the arguments dealt with.
Kurfees, M.C. - Instrumental Music in Worship
This book contains an in-depth look at the history and use of the Greek word psallo and also shows historically that instrumental music was rejected in the church, as well as in denominations until very recently.
Hall, S.H. - Scripture Studies (Volume 4)
Three replies to various arguments used in favor of instrumental music. Brother Hall very thoroughly and effectively refutes every one of the arguments.
The Lord's Supper
At the Lord's Table (T.H. Scambler)
Fifty Devotional Talks for giving before taking the Lord's Supper. Also good for bulletin articles.
The Lord's Supper (A.W. Stephenson)
This is a collection of 27 articles (most 1-2 pages), suitable for bulletin use or for a devotional before partaking of the communion meal.
McGarvey, J.W. - Preacher's Methods
This lecture by McGarvey gives suggestions for preachers to be the best at their occupation of proclaiming God's word.
McMillan, E.W. - The Minister's Spiritual Life
This book was written to help the preacher develop his spirituality, and help him to pass on that spirituality to others.
Scambler, T.H. - The Art of Sermon Construction
From picking a text to making the perfect delivery, this book covers all aspects of making a great sermon.
See also "Baptism" above
Aquilla - Is Baptism Necessary?
The writer of this tract simply went by "Aquilla," and addressed it to a preacher whom he called "Apollos." Thetract deals with the topic of baptism and its relationship to salvation, according to the Scriptures. It is written in a friendly style, like a real letter would be, and as such makes for a useful booklet to print and give to people.
Schultz, W.A. - Repentance
This short book of five chapters shows the importance of repentance as well as the things which must come before it and which must come after it in order to be right with the Father.
The Second Coming/Eschatology
King, David - The Resurrection of Saints and Sinners at the Coming of the Lord
This book looks at the Scriptural evidence which shows a singular resurrection which takes place at the coming of the Lord. This proves premillennialism (which claims multiple resurrections many years apart) to be false.
Sermon Collections
Book, William - Sermons for the People
This collection of lessons is filled with sermon illustrations and great application. There will be some of these you'll want to preach yourself!
Brownlow, Leroy - Sermon in the Methodist Church
Leroy Brownlow was asked to preach (at the Methodist Church building) a sermon describing the church of Christ. This 40+ page book contains the text of his sermon. It covers the faith, practice,doctrtines, and origin of the church of Christ and shows it is not a denomination.
Calhoun, Hall L. - Gospel Sermons
Five timeless sermons delivered as lectures atAbeline Christian College in 1927. Including, "The Indwelling Christ," "A Much-Neglected Command"
Franklin, Benjamin - The Gospel Preacher (Volume 1)
This book, written by the great-great nephew of the famous forefather of the United States, contains twenty gospel sermons in full-text format. Each of the 20 sermonsaverage 20 pages in length. Well worth the reading.
Franklin, Benjamin - The Gospel Preacher (Volume 2)
This book contains another 21 full-length sermons, including "Dancing," "Instrumental Music in Worship," and others.
Sweeney, Z.T. - New Testament Christianity, Volume 1
This is a collection of 20 sermons from various preachers in the mid- to late-1800s. The Preachers include J.S. Lamar, J.S. Sweeney, Elder Benjamin Franklin, and others.
The Living Pulpit of the Christian Church
This is a collection of 28 sermons by preachers of the gospel who (when the book was published) were still alive and preaching. Among the more recognizable names are J.W. McGarvey, Robert Milligan, Benjamin Franklin, J.S. Lamar, and Moses E. Lard. Also included is a biographical sketch of each of the preachers.
"Why I Left..."
This is a collection of extensive lectures given by those who were once members of denominations and left them to simply be Christians only. Included in the book are Why I Left... "the Baptist Church," "The Lutheran Church," "The Catholic Church," "The Methodist Church," "The Nazarene Church," "The Presbyterian Church," "The Christian Church," "The World," and "The Anti-Class Position."
Systematic Theology
Campbell, Alexander - The Christian System
This book covers the whole Christian system, from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit to baptism, the Lord's Supper, Repentance, Sacrifices, types of Christ, and many other topics. This is the expanded second edition of this work.
McGarvey, J.W. - Letters to Bishop McIlvaine on Christian Union
This short book contains aseies of letters written to an Episcopal bishop who was advocating a union of denominations, but without actually uniting. McGarvey expresses his concerns and exposes the contradictions in the spirit of love.
Various Topics
Brewer, G.C. - Customs and Christianity
This book deals with the topic of "Is it scriptural for women to have short hair" and "can women wear men's garments?"
Lard, Moses - A Review of "Campbellism Examined"
A Baptist wrote a mean-spirited book attacking Christians and calling them "Campbellites" and condemned them as heretics. This book reviews the charges and examines them in the light of Scripture, showing the fallacy of the Baptist writer's position and accusations.

The Above Links Are From The Gravel Hill Church of Christ
The Following e-Books Are On Our Website.....
Books by David Pratte
Godhead: God of the Bible (God, Christ, Holy Spirit)
Family Reading Book List (50 pages)
Bible Questions: Genesis (71 pages)
Commentary On Genesis (402 pages)
BIble Questions: Joshua (21 pages)
Commentary On Joshua (60 pages)
Bible Questions: Judges (46 pages)
Bible Questions: Ruth (8 pages)
Commentary On Ruth (24 pages)
Bible Questions: 1st Samuel (41 pages)
Bible Questions: Ezra (12 pages)
Commentary On Ezra (25 pages)
Bible Questions: Nehemiah (17 pages)
Bible Questions: Esther (12 pages)
Commentary On Esther (39 pages)
Bible Questions: Job (47 pages)
Commentary On Job (143 pages)
Bible Questions: Proverbs (66 pages)
Bible Questions: Isaiah (66 pages)
Bible Questions: Matthew (98 pages)
Bible Questions: Luke (79 pages)
Bible Questions: John (76 pages)
Commentary On John (351 pages)
Bible Questions: Acts (96 pages)
Commentary On Acts (394 pages)
Bible Question: Romans (75 pages)
Bible Questions: 1st Corinthians (68 pages)
Bible Questions: 2nd Corinthians (37 pages)
Bible Questions: Galatians (25 pages)
Bible Questions: 1st Timothy (28 pages)
Bible Questions: 2nd Timothy (21 pages)
Bible Questions: Titus-Philemon (25 pages)
Bible Questions: Hebrews (58 pages)
Bible Questions: James (15 pages)
Bible Questions: 1st Peter (15 pages)
Bible Questions: 2nd Peter (12 pages)
Bible Questions: 1st John (17 pages)
Bible Questions: 2-3 John & Jude (10 pages)
Bible Questions: Revelation (55 pages)