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1st Samuel

lst Samuel often called “the ls* book of the Kings”
And we shall soon see what all that means
Samuel was born of Levitical parents
And became a man of most noble character

He became a Judge, a Prophet and a Priest
And organized the Kingdom that was neat
And a priesthood that would serve until Christ
Hopefully to keep Israel on the right track

The first King was Saul of the Benjamin tribe
Whose reign was filled with trouble and strife
In time David was secretly appointed to be King
Whose victory over Goliath continues to ring

Saul became jealous and put David on the run
Who found safety with Philistines ‘till Saul passed on
Soon the Philistines invaded Saul’s land
And Saul sought help from a “Witch” near at hand

Many of David’s Psalms, we’re told, was at this time
A source of strength to mankind
The book of ls* Samuel is interesting and helpful history
We look to 2nd Samuel with even greater curiosity

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