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Matthew Chapter  Four

Now to the wilderness His faith to be tested,
And for 40 days and nights He fasted.
Satan was quick to seize the opportunity
And continued to tempt Him fraudently.

With every temptation Christ said, “It is written”
But the Devil was not one to be quitin’.
Finally Jesus said “Get thee behind me Satan,
Do what you will, I’ll not be takenl”

Jesus left Nazareth to live in Capemaum.
Again fulfilling prophecy that was about Him.
From that time on Jesus began to preach,
Saying, “Repent, the Kingdom of God is at handl”

One day Jesus walked along the seashore
Saw Peter and Andrew fishing for more.
lesus called, “follow me, l’ll make you fishers of men
Straightaway they cast their nets and followed Him.

Then there was James and John with their father,
And they immediately became His followers
Christ’s fame went throughout the region.
Multitudes followed Him from beyond Jordan.

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