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Jeremiah has been called the “Weeping Prophet”
Spending his energy, emotions for Judah’s profit
When God called him he was reluctant for a while
Thinking his ability was like that of a child

God said, “On THAT do not dwell”
He would be with him and all would be well
Judah, like Israel, had adopted Idolatry
Jeremiah contended such was ungodly

Such conditions made the future look bleak
For God would not be there should they seek
The answer to them was to turn from their sin
And then God would quickly be with them

Kings all around them were being very active
Interested in bringing Jerusalem into captivity
The North Kingdoms soon played out
But the Babylonians would win the fight

The people were so angry they put Jeremiah in prison
They simply refused to listen to reason
When Babylon learned of J eremiah’s labor
They granted him and the people many a favor

The Babylonians put Jerusalem in shambles
And the Temple of God they dismantled
After 70 years the captivity was overthrown
And the Babylonian Empire was undone

Throughout J eremiah’s life and Judah’s troubles
I lc always said, there was “light at the end of the tunnel
That “light” would be the coming of the Messiah
Who would be there to answer their prayers

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