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The first 300 years in Canaan
Was a time of losing and gaining
They had failed to remove the Canaanites
Soon Israel was practicing idolatrous rites

With Joshua gone and no central government
They were not following the Lord’s commandments
So God gave them Judges for advice and solutions
For they were involved in so many pollutions  

For these many years they have been in Canaan
lt had been anything but entertaining
With the help of Judges progress could be found
God being willing things could flourish and abound

For too long man himself decided what was right
Each doing what was right in his own eyes
The Judges listed in Hebrew as Heroes
Were true Heroes and so were others

Thanks to God for His Grace and longsuffering
The nation of Israel would have gone to nothing
But God had made a promise to father Abraham
True to His promise He refused to abandon them

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