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LEVITICUS--God’s book of rules and regulations
Divine guidance for human relations
They were being prepared for new life in Canaan
The “Promised Land” for which they were aiming

The transition from Egypt would not be easy
400 years of their history they would be leaving
They had seen God’s power in Moses their leader
If God made those rules they could be believers

First, of course, instructions about worship
The different sacrifices and how to offer it
The offering of the first fruits of their labor
To thank God for allowing them to be able

The details about the offering for peace
That peace and tranquility would never decrease
Provisions are made for the sins of ignorance
And other such sins the means for forgiveness

The sin of lying is given much space
The sins of swearing to conceal is bad taste
Aaron and his sons are consecrated as Priests
And performed their duties on behalf of the rest


Sons of Aaron, Nadab, Abihu offered strange fire
The fire leaped out and they were devoured
While deeply grieving Aaron told his sons
God expects His rules to be done!

God gives instructions about childbirth
And things to be done thereafter
Instructions are given about Leprosy
That it not be spread to others carelessly

Any sign of illness is not to be ignored
Go to the Priest for help from the Lord
Aaron was told to offer sacrifice for himself
And by faithful service save himself from death

With all that has happened taking much space
(Rod told Moses to remind the people about their “place
That He is still their Lord and their God
And to be careful of the path they might trod


The long list goes on with detail and simplicity
With seriousness, clarity and empathy
The following is given without rhythm or rhyme
That we might better understand God’s mind

The subjects are: Fraud, Fornication and Idolatry
Wizardry; the Sabbath, Murder and Cursing
The Passover, Blasphemy, Jubilee, the Poor
Vows, Tithing, Incest and more

Commandments for Israel from Mt. Sinai
To make Israel a people with godly pride
For blessings and lessons for the Whole world
The promise to Abraham, keeping his Word


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