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Matthew Chapter  Ten

Jesus called His disciples and made them ready.

Giving them power over sickness and maladies.

The twelve who are here listed by name,

Are sent forth to "harvest the grain."

They are told not to go to the Gentile,

But to Israel for the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh.

Do not worry about money for your living,

Just do the work you have been given.

If you find those who will not receive you,

Just leave and shake the dust from your shoes.

There will be those who will be like wolves,

But you must remain as harmless as doves.

So, take up your "cross" and follow me.

Otherwise, you will be unworthy, you'll see.

He that findeth his life will lose it,

He that loses life for my sake will find it.

He that receiveth you receiveth me.

He that receiveth me receiveth Him that sent me.

For those that are faithful and work hard,

Be assured they will receive their reward.

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