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Matthew Chapter  Fourteen

King Herod has now heard of Jesus' fame

The power, influence, and heritage He claimed.

He thought it must be John he had beheaded.

Could he possibly be back from the dead already?


When Jesus heard what Herod had said

He went by ship to the desert ahead

But multitudes followed Him on foot

Jesus moved with compassion, for those He forsook.


The disciples asked to sent them away

By now it was almost past day

Jesus said, "Give them to eat-"--but they replied,

Our 2 fish and 5 loaves can't possibly supply."


Jesus took the fish and loaves and blessed them

And had the disciple to pass it around

It fed 5,000 and more---what a multitude!

And when finished they had 12 baskets full.


As the disciples returned home by ship

Jesus went to the mountain to pray and rest

While on the sea a fierce wind roared

Threatening the ship and all on board.


Suddenly a figure appeared walking on the water

A voice rang out, "It is I, be not afraid."

Impulsive Peter said, "Let me join you."

Jesus said, "Come if you want to."


The waves were so heavy Peter began to sink.

"Save me!"  Peter cried.  Jesus said, "Why did your faith blink?"

When they came to the land of Genneseret

Many met them whose health was not right.

They had said that only if they could touch Him.

And with that kind of faith Jesus healed them.

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