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Matthew Chapter  Nineteen

The Pharisees came tempting, hoping He would fall

"Is it O.K. for a man to divorce for any cause?"

He replied, "From the beginning 2 became 1 flesh,

Only in this way can they be blest."

Then why did Moses permit divorce?

Because of stubborness but no so at first.

But I say that except for fornication, 

To divorce and remarry is an adulterous relation.

The disciple suggests, "Then it's not good to marry."

That's true for those who are too contrary,

Marriage is not for everyone,

Some are more fitted to live alone.

Some children came to Jesus for prayer

The disciples thought it was unfair,

But Jesus said, "Be patient with them

For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

One man asked, "What can I do for Eternal life?"

Jesus said, "Keep the commandments.  You'll be all right"

"Which one?" he said.  Jesus gave him a list.

"These I have done!  What lack I yet?"

Jesus told him if he would be perfect

"Sell what you have and let the poor have it."

Hearing this, the man sorrowfully left

For he couldn't part with his wealth.

Jesus said, "It's easier for a came to go thru a needles' eye

Than for the rich to be deprived

The disciples so stunned and amazed,

They said, "Then who can be saved?"

Jesus replied, "For those who put God first,

Sacrificing all things though it may hurt

Shall receive a hundred fold at the last,

And shall be rewarded with eternal life."

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