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Matthew Chapter  Five

While Jesus and His disciples stopped and rested.
He taught them about Who are the blessed.
Whatever their problem or things they needed
They would be blessed, their prayers being heeded

He challenged His disciples with examples.
They were to be salt that was untampered,
For the world they were to be lights unhidden
Like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

You don’t light candles to hide under a bushel
Let your light shine and work with a hussel.
That will glorify your Father in Heaven,
And fulfill the charge you have now been given

Understand, I ’m not to destroy the Law,
l’m here to fulfill it’s cause.
If you are no better than Pharisees and Scribes,
The Kingdom of Heaven you will never see.

You are not to be angry or kill without cause.
Be reconciled to a brother, just because
You may be the victim of a Judge’s ire,
And find yourselves in danger of Hell Fire.

Jesus continues teaching His disciples
With lessons they need to be enlightened.
Like the command, “Don’t commit adultery”,
And to lust is to commit adultery already.

Also to divorce a wife except for adultery
Then who marries her also commits adultery.
So if your eye offends or your hand sins,
Better to lose them both than to not win.

F urtherance, let your speech be without quibble
Such quibble could turn into evil.
And to retaliate may foster more resentment,
And result in even more mistreatment.

So, be a “good scout” and go the extra mile.
Love your neighbor and enemy with a smile
That may put you on the road to perfection,
Like unto that of your Father in Heaven.

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