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Matthew Chapter  Seven

Be carefiul about judging others.

You may also be judged unworthy.

Be sure there is no "mote" in your eye.

You might have a beam you wish you could hide.

Don't give holy things to "dogs" that whine.
Nor cast your pearls before swine

They may only trample them under foot,

And turn on you even though you were good.

Be ready to help those who are due good.

Help them like you would have them help you.

You know how to give gifts to your children,

And your Heavenly Father will give to His children.

Beware of false prophets but enter the strait gate.

You will know them by the fruit they make.

Whosoever hears my words and doeth them,

Will not be building his house on the sand.

When Jesus brought His sermon to and end

The gathered multitude prepared to descend.

They were so astonished and fully so edified,

For His doctrine was not like that of the Scribes.

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