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Matthew Chapter  Nine

Jesus by ship went to His own city

Where He met a man sick with the palsy.

Seeing his faith He said, "Your sins are forgiven."

Some of the Scribes hearing His words were livid.

For Him to forgive sins was pure blasphemy.

Jesus knowing their thoughts asked which was easy,

To say sins are forgiven or stand up and walk?

When the man stood up and walked all were shocked.

As Jesus left to go on His way,

Matthew was sitting where taxes were paid.

Jesus said to this Publican, "Follow me."

He left his job and followed immediately.

Later He was eating with sinners  and publicans.

His disciples were asked, "how can He with that clan?"

Jesus heard them and answered real quick.

"Who needs a physician except they that are sick?"


This was followed by many other healings.

That kept the multitudes and critics reeling

He turns to His disciples, "The harvest is begging

Laborers are few, we need to get ready."

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