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Bible Lands: Maps and Charts

These SwordSearcher Modules Contain Maps and Charts Illustrating the Bible lands and Events as mentioned in the Old and New Testaments
These Modules subject to change, so check back for more current updates.

  • ECMaps - Very Extensive Collection of Maps.  Includes Hundreds of Maps, plus Hundreds of Charts and Illustrations.  What is different about this SS Module is that  all Graphics, Charts, and Illustrations are Online.  So, you will need an Internet Connection.  This will display any Image, etc... in your default Internet Browser.   These are Links that I found on the Internet and will display the various resources mentioned above, resources that are found on a variety of religious sites.  Plus, there are tons of Charts and Illustrations from the ESV website.  From your browser you can save any images to your system.  An incredibly small file at 236 kb.  Download by clicking on the Link above.  TAB: "ECMaps" -- Updated 3/26/22.  Zipped: 47.3 kb.

  • Holy Bible  Atlas Maps - OT Maps pertaining to the Bible according to Books and events mentioned in the Bible.  Also includes Bible Charts  pertaining to people or events mentioned in various books of the Bible.  This module updated 02/16/22.  File Name: ""--TAB: "HBAMaps" -- Updated ZIP File Size: 61.4 MB.  The Module Filename: "HBAMaps.ss5book"  The ZIP File contains the Folder "HGAMaps-Assets"  Unzip Module and it's Folder to your SwordSearcher User Files sub-directory.  This module features many High-Resolution Maps.   It contains 185 Maps/Charts as of 02/16/22.  More to be added as time allows.

More SwordSearcher Modules Coming Soon to this Area!!


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