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Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scripture
Edited by Philip Schaff

 Lange's Now Includes Full Commentary on all Bible Books 
This collection of 62 Modules is Now Complete!

  • Lange amassed this collection, written in German.  Individual volumes were translated by different individuals and edited by Phillip Schaff in the late 19th century. The screen-shots shown below will give you an idea of the "look and feel" of this SwordSearcher Module Collection.  It is based on the edition as edited by Philip Schaff, and contains 62 SwordSearcher modules.  

  • You must unzip all the Volumes to your SwordSearcher Modules subdirectory.


J.P. Lange's Bible Commentary Download:
Scroll Down to View Screen-shots


                             Old Test (37 Modules), New Test (23 Modules) Complete!
                          Plus: (
2 Modules) on the Minor Prophets and the Apocrypha.

                 Filename: JPLangeCmty.ZIP Zip Filesize: 43.1 MB UnZIPped: 65.35 MB

                     This Collection of Commentaries Updated 1/10/22 - 10:00am CST

  Using J.P. Lange's Bible Commentary in SwordSearcher:

  • Because Lange's 62 Modules will display a lot of "TABS" in SwordSearcher, you  may
    just want  to make the module named 
    "LangeCmty" visible and hide the other Tabs.

  • Every module includes the same Main Menu at the very beginning of each module, with Navigational Links  in each. So, no matter which Module you have loaded, you can easily navigate to any of the Modules.

  • Each Menu Item has a "[TOC]" Link to make it easy to navigate back to the table of Contents for the Book you are viewing. From any book's table of Contents you can simply click on the "[Main Menu]" Link for quick and easy access to any of the 62 Modules in this collection.



Screen shots for Lange's Commentary:

Main Menu - Volume One [GENESIS]

















Table of Contents for Volume One [GENESIS]















Section Page For Genesis 50:1-26 [GENESIS]
Threre are Navigational Links at Top for the [TOC] and Exodus
This is the last Page in the Genesis Volume.  From these Links
you can Go Back to the Genesis Menu, or proceed forward
to the Book of Exodus [















Table of Contents for the Second Module [EXODUS]
This Does not show the Navigational Links...













Navigational Links for Each Module Look Like This:













Comments: Contact djmarko53 on the SwordSearcher Forums


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